Saturday, September 17, 2016


This weekend we went to Toledo. Toledo is absolutely beautiful. It’s a very a historically important city, and was the capital of Arab Spain from 711 AD until the end of the 11th century. It was one of the most important cities during the Roman occupation, and the capital of Post-roman Visigoth Spain, as well as the capital of Christian Spain after its recapture in 1086, until the end of the Reconquista in 1492. It was one of the two principal European Jewish centers, and is currently the most important city in Spain within the Catholic Church, being the seat of the Archdiocese (meaning it is the regional presiding church for all of Spain). The city is famous for the relatively peaceful and friendly co-residence of Roman Catholics, Aryan Christians (until their conversion to Catholicism), Jews and Muslims. That historical ethnic and religious tolerance has led to some interesting things like the Mosque of the Light of Christ, and the Synagogue of Saint Mary (which is incidentally the oldest synagogue in Europe). Most notably, it was also the site where Marzipan was first invented.
It’s a beautiful city for the history just as much as for the buildings and churches themselves.


  1. Marzipan is from Spain?! My world is shaking. Also, who were the Visigoths? I could look it up, but maybe you know the short answer.

    1. It is! Isn't that surprising? And it's really good! The Visigoths were the Germanic tribe in Spain in the pre-Roman days that were most prominent and "civilized". Later, the Romans hired the Visigoths to exterminate the "more barbaric" tribes preparatory to Roman colonization. After the Roman empire fell, the Visigoths took control of Spain (they had since converted to Aryan Christianity)
