Sunday, October 16, 2016

Temple of Debod

In Madrid there's this little Egyptian temple, called the Temple of Debod. Why, you might ask, is there an Egyptian temple in Spain? The Spanish found a temple they thought was pretty cool, fairly modest in size, and so they transported it and rebuilt it brick by brick from Egypt to Madrid. It's super fun with all the Egyptian carvings and there were helpful signs showing what all of the scenes were of.

I even saw a wildlife! The dog decided to take a swim.


  1. What an excited dog! He looks like a dolphin. many cultures have we seen in Spain architecture so far? My count is up to 5 already!
    PS I like your poses. Very manly.

    1. Yeah he was super happy:) and Spain is pretty amazing. Just full of all kinds of different cultures. Total melting pot! Haha thanks:)
