Friday, September 30, 2016

Ice cream!

The last night in Portugal we went to an ice cream place in Lisbon that is supposed to be the best ice cream in Portugal (some say the world!). It was really exciting. There was a line out the door of the small shop, and I happily ordered a large. One of my friends also got a large, and we tasted each other's flavors. I got mango, coconut, chocolate chip and lemon. I got to try raspberry, caramel, orange, strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, pineapple and a flavor called "commercial radio" that was ice cream blended with frozen yogurt, passion fruit and raspberry. It was all so good I got back in line and got a small cone of mixed berries and passion fruit. The ice cream was amazing. Each flavor so perfectly captured the very best of each fruit, and despite having so much ice cream, it was light enough that I didn't feel sick at all. It was certainly the best ice cream I've had in a while, but I'll have to try a lot more of the world's ice cream before I can name this one the best.


  1. Yum! I'm sure that it was worth it to go to Portugal just to get that famous ice cream!

  2. Yum! I'm sure that it was worth it to go to Portugal just to get that famous ice cream!

    1. Definitely! And that was also the moment I realized I just had to go back to Portugal sometime!
