Thursday, January 19, 2017

Lisbon: Rehashed

The first place that Laura and I went was back to Lisbon! It was really fun to go back to a place I really loved and be able to tell Laura a few things I already learned about it, but also to take more time and get in a little deeper to where we went, and go a few places I hadn't been yet. Laura is great at using the Rick Steve's manuals and as a result we went on some great walking tours and got some more contextual and historical background to the places we visited!

When I went to Lisbon the first time, it was really warm and sunny but this time it was really cold and pouring rain. We did our best to find dry things to do, since that day we had planned on walking tours for most of the day. Eventually we found somewhere dry to eat codfish, the most traditional Portuguese food.

You may remember me mentioning the AMAZING gelatto place in Lisbon. Laura and I went every day and between the two of us tried every single one of the approximately 40 flavors. Our "favorites" were pistachio, pear, "chocolate chip", and marmalade. Our real favorites were Cream, Strawberry, Pineapple, Passion fruit, and mango.

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