Sunday, March 31, 2019


This weekend we went to Toulouse! It was a really beautiful city.

We started with some delicious brunch

Then we wandered around the city. The river and canals running throughout the city added to the atmosphere.
Hopital de la Grave
Unfortunately, both of us were sick during the trip, so we spent a lot of time sleeping, but we still got to see the main sights in the city.

The Toulouse cathedral was beautiful. Right as we walked up, the bells started ringing. It was really awe-inspiring.

My favorite spot we visited was the Toulouse Capitol building (A city hall now). There was a huge square where people were sitting, eating lunch, taking pictures, and it all felt like we were in front of a royal palace.

We also visited the largest Romanesque church in Europe, according to one website, but to me the style appeared to be more of an early gothic (definitely a transition period church if anything). The supports were romanesque, so I think maybe it started as a romanesque church (complete with big half point arches), but was heavily remodeled, or finished in the Gothic period, especially since it seemed like the higher in the building, the more fancy the church was (Possibly the new technology of the gothic period allowed the "romanesque" church to become the largest in Europe). The church had spooky music playing on the speakers, which was unexpected and unusual, but exciting. 

Note that the supports are romanesque, but the pointed arches are hallmarks of Gothic architecture
If it is considered romanesque, it is certainly gargantuan for that period
My favorite room was the old quarters of the monks, a side chapel that was very echo-y.

There were beautiful murals on some of the walls. 

Image result for toulouse basilica fresco

The city was awesome! I loved having my first taste of French culture (and food!). I'm excited to continue exploring French culture and seeing some of the similarities and differences with Spanish Culture.

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